Easy games

7UP pinball
7UP pinball. Free Flash SWF game online. Play now! No download require.
Played: 43131.
8legball. Free Flash SWF game online. Play now! No download require.
Played: 52342.
A robotic cannon
A robotic cannon. Shoot away the robot, which will collect the money. For the money you can buy a better gun and a robot to shoot further. The game, which do not need to think.
Played: 13762.
Angry birds
Angry birds. Free Flash SWF game online. Play now! No download require.
Played: 67077.
Astro Surfer
Astro Surfer. Free Flash SWF game online. Play now! No download require. Astro Surfer needs no ocean. He surfs on the lines you draw! Grab the appropriate powerups as you fly for the more successes.
Played: 27661.
Blast the earth
Blast the earth. Small balls, Peoples goes just right. Your task - to help the bomb, which exploded as the Peoples fall. When you drop all the balls to move to the next level.
Played: 14550.
Blocky. Free Flash SWF game online. Play now! No download require.
Played: 53816.
Bloomin garden
Bloomin garden. Free Flash SWF game online. Play now! No download require.
Played: 61734.
Bombards. Decide which susprodinsi bomb first. This determines whether to successfully started the chain of explosions. If not - do not give up, try again.
Played: 17879.
Bricks Breaking Hex
Bricks Breaking Hex. Free Flash SWF game online. Play now! No download require.
Played: 72744.
Bubble Master
Bubble Master. Free Flash SWF game online. Play now! No download require.
Played: 25491.
Bubble Stars
It`s a hard life for a bubble bound star. You`re leaking precious air, so you have to pop the other blue bubbles to stay alive! Avoid the red bubbles who will be out to get you, and stay away from the mean fishies. Have fun! Free Flash SWF game online. Play now! No download require.
Played: 44024.
Bubbles in the sky
Bubbles in the sky. Shoot colored bubbles. If one of the three colored bubbles merge, they explode. You need to blow up as soon as possible and the more bubbles.
Played: 24489.
Bubel bubble
Bubel buble. Free Flash SWF game online. Play now! No download require.
Played: 79492.
Build Towers
Block after block, and placed high. You are holding the crane. If you are blaibus, to build a very high skyscraper.
Played: 41007.
Burn the rope
Burn the rope. Free Flash SWF game online. Play now! No download require.
Played: 24939.
Burrito bisson and bears
Burrito bisson and bears. Free Flash SWF game online. Play now! No download require.
Played: 39572.
Candy game
Candy game. Such a sweet sweet. Binding, turn the candy places to blast them. The larger line of blow up, the more points you score. Easy, relaxing game.
Played: 83927.
Chick learns to fly
Chick learns to fly. To start with he just goes up. But after each flight chick gets money and can buy a variety of ancillary items that will fly above. The above nuskrisi - the more money you get.
Played: 11960.
Click. Free Flash SWF game online. Play now! No download require. Not so much a Clicking game, as a Maze game. Your eager little ball is devoted to following your click path. Don't steer him wrong!
Played: 25396.
Color dinosaur
Color dinosaur. Your goal is to reach the teleport. To praeitum through obstacles ZXC click, then change their color dinosaur and fragmentation of colored wall. As soon as they caught access teleportation, the more points you score.
Played: 13552.
Cowboy pinball
Cowboy pinball. Free Flash SWF game online. Play now! No download require.
Played: 25008.
Deal Or No Deal
Deal Or No Deal. Free Flash SWF game online. Play now! No download require.
Played: 89688.
Delivery machine
Delivery machine. Free Flash SWF game online. Play now! No download require.
Played: 29970.
Drop the burger
Mad Burger. Drop the burger. Cook the hamburger and drop away. Hamburger bekrentant on the ground, it will try to catch everyone hungry. What a treat this will drop below - the more you earn the money.
Played: 16878.
Earth worm
Earth worm. rolled out of the ground and eat people and animals. The more the worm eats, the bigger and stronger he grows up. Will it destroy all of humanity?
Played: 21246.
Easy pool
Easy pool. Free Flash SWF game online. Play now! No download require.
Played: 35551.
Elf flying
Elf flying. Free Flash SWF game online. Play now! No download require.
Played: 18151.
Fast click game
Fast click game. Free Flash SWF game online. Play now! No download require.
Played: 30873.
Flying candy
Flying candy. Easy game where you'll have to blow up a sweet way to cause a chain reaction and possibly exploded as more adjacent sweets. The farther away, the more you can train in the detonator.
Played: 15996.
Flying Panda
Flying Panda. Pando shoot away. Panda will go and collect the money. The more money had gathered, the better you can buy a cannon Panda. The game, which does not require a lot of sense. Jet pack panda.
Played: 12564.
Flying Tarzan
Flying Tarzan. Free Flash SWF game online. Play now! No download require.
Played: 36003.
Frog bubbles
Frog bubbles. Free Flash SWF game online. Play now! No download require.
Played: 30010.
Get this
Get this. You need to rotate the world to found goods (wood, stones, diamonds) through the tunnels to fall into place. It is lightweight and atlaiduojantis game does not require a lot of mental strength. Mine it.
Played: 12145.
Give through the ass
Give through the ass. Guilty to get the punishment. Give through a guilty ass old man who he paskraidys. The farther he flies away - the more money you get, for which you will be able to buy upgrades. This game does not require any thinking.
Played: 20247.
Hero Coinbox
Hero Coinbox. Free Flash SWF game online. Play now! No download require.
Played: 19627.
I look for her all over the world
I look for her all over the world. This is symbolic of love game. You choose who you will be and what will be your sweetheart. Each level will have to catch up with your love or find it. Take your time, relax and immerse yourself into the world of love.
Played: 19200.
Jump adventures
Jump adventures. Free Flash SWF game online. Play now! No download require.
Played: 44228.
Jungle bubbles
Jungle bubbles. Free Flash SWF game online. Play now! No download require.
Played: 40260.
Kitten Canons
Free Flash SWF game online. Play now! No download require.
Played: 38046.
Letters and word
Letters and word. Free Flash SWF game online. Play now! No download require.
Played: 26825.
Lightweight monkey puzzles
Lightweight monkey puzzles. Here you will have to use various items that you could solve the puzzle. Monkey is pleased only if the task solved.
Played: 32836.
Mini doctor
Small Doctor haunting grim city and looking at your hospital. He wants to get back to work and treat the sick. But the little Doctor is lost and can not find where to go. Help him find the hospital.
Played: 28815.
Monster cannon
Monster cannon. Shoot from cannon to your heart's content. Shoot the monsters that they would fall. Give lots of bombs - they have a lot. The main thing - blow all you see. Roly poly canon.
Played: 20873.
Mouse Avoider
Mouse Avoider. Free Flash SWF game online. Play now! No download require.
Played: 24338.
Nyan cat game
Nyan cat game. Do you know what is Nyan Cat? If you know, definitely want to play this game of cat. Here you only need to jump and collect as many items.
Played: 21330.
Paper plane
Paper plane. It's festivities. The girl was standing at the window and saw her neighbor as her mother brought gifts. Sorrowing girl, because she has no mother. As a result, devised write Santa Claus a letter that he bestowed upon her mother. The letter and its folds the paper plane. Let him go out the window. But does it float so far? Try to you.
Played: 14065.
Pyro. Free Flash SWF game online. Play now! No download require. Like to play with fire? Get all the torches lit without running out of fireballs. It burns, but it's a good kind of burn!
Played: 18695.
Poop Shoot
Poop Shoot. Free Flash SWF game online. Play now! No download require. Ever wonder what it's like to be a boy? This game brings it to life. Without the awful smell, fortunately.
Played: 35951.
Popo & Bobo
Popo & Bobo. Free Flash SWF game online. Play now! No download require.
Played: 35130.
Roast turkey fly
Roast turkey fly. It flies in the sky and managed corn. Put turkey without wings to fly away, so he užsidribs more money and be able to buy not only feathers but also the wings.
Played: 23631.
Rubins and diamonds
Rubins and diamonds. Free Flash SWF game online. Play now! No download require.
Played: 92455.
Runny nose and patients
Runny nose and patients. Užkrėsk one person to start an epidemic. Snot is spread all over the city. If you reach your goal, get to the next level. Snot and runny nose. Sneeze.
Played: 14875.
Sheriff travels
Sheriff travels. Sheriff goes sky, hopping from the wheel on the wheel. Bešokinėdamas he collects various objects, stars, bottles and so on. Try this and you have an easy and entertaining game suitable for the whole family. Amazing.
Played: 13344.
Shoot bubbles
Shoot bubbles. Free Flash SWF game online. Play now! No download require.
Played: 1017350.
Shoping cart race
Shoping cart race. Free Flash SWF game online. Play now! No download require.
Played: 57234.
Small pumpkins
Small pumpkins. Free Flash SWF game online. Play now! No download require.
Played: 23944.
Sock and Awe
Free Flash SWF game online. Play now! No download require.
Played: 20150.
Spinning Bubbles
Spinning Bubbles. Free Flash SWF game online. Play now! No download require.
Played: 37131.
Sponge Bob Square Pants: Patty Panic
Run over the food pieces so they drop and make hamburgers. Watch out for baddies.Free Flash SWF game online. Play now! No download require.
Played: 165002.
Spongebob on baloon
Spongebob on baloon. Free Flash SWF game online. Play now! No download require.
Played: 56000.
Sushi cat
Sushi cat. Throw norimoj instead of the Week, and believe that it is attaching fall as much sushi. If you fail the first time, try again. Collect as many points and to enter the next level.
Played: 15515.
The right coctail
The right coctail. Free Flash SWF game online. Play now! No download require.
Played: 45846.
Treasure farm gold
Treasure farm gold. Free Flash SWF game online. Play now! No download require.
Played: 20133.
Treasures of the sea floor
Treasures of the sea floor. Free Flash SWF game online. Play now! No download require.
Played: 24755.
UFO flies home
Zombie head moon. UFO flies home. Help him. Need to collect enough money to buy the good wings, varinklį and other equipment. When you take the spacecraft - will reach their homes.
Played: 17335.
UFO traveling back home
UFO traveling back home. UFO traveling to another planet. But before that he needs to build a good space ship which is capable of high-rise. This requires the collection of money and buy a ship upgrades.
Played: 34296.
Ultra Avoiding 3
Ultra Avoiding 3. Free Flash SWF game online. Play now! No download require. Multiple difficulties, new powerups, and a pesky triangle who seems to have a grudge. Yay!
Played: 20400.
Valentines day game
Valentines day game. Free Flash SWF game online. Play now! No download require.
Played: 57845.
Zombie road 2012
Zombie road. You are the driver. You're going through the desert. Your on the road constantly occurs zombies who do not pass. Accelerate and do not be any attention to them, because if you stop - you eat. Improve the car, it will be faster. Earn to die 2012.
Played: 37420.